Saturday, December 5, 2015

Segment One

A forged court order was used to evict my wife and I out of our residence.

On December 19, 2011 Brad Calverley, an Officer employed by the Province of Ontario used a forged Court order to evict us (R. vs Guettler). I have attached a copy.

I stated to the uniformed Officer that this is not a legal document and his comment was “I don’t give a damn” knowing quite well I believe, that his actions were not legal and I also believe that he forged the Court order.

The over 6 foot 240 lbs. Officer bullied us out of the house using his authority and disregarding the law including brutal elder abuse.

This document evidenced as Public Record was hand delivered, stamped and received to government officials and agencies including the Ontario Attorney General John Gerretson.

Von Ingeborg Guettler's Schreibtisch

Ich bin in Berlin (1936) geboren, verlebte die entsetzlichen Kriegsjahre und danach die „Regeln“ in der früheren Ostzone Deutschlands.  Als junge Frau – Beruf Textil Kaufman, mein Mann, gelernter Stuckateur und 2 Kinder, (jüngstes Kind 4 Wochen alt) wanderten wir nach Kanada aus. Ordnung und Disziplin hatten wir ja in uns.

Auf und AB‘s muss jeder Mensch mitmachen und bewältigen.  Doch was uns am 19. Dezember 2011 – 5 Tage vor Weihmachten – passierte, ist unbeschreiblich.  Doch das war erst der Anfang.  Von gesetzlichen „Ordnung Hütern“ wurden wir alte Leute aus dem Haus vertrieben mit einer Brutalität, die aufsehenerregend ist.

Man muss sich schämen, dass so etwas in einem Land passiert, wo Canada als „Peace-Keeper“ in der Welt bekannt war. Seit über 4 Jahre werden wir von allen Kanadischen Behörden ignoriert, trotzdem „Alle“ jegliche Information schriftlich haben. Wir kennen ja nun auch das Wort „Elder-Abuse“ Abe wer beachtet es heut noch?

Als mein Mann und ich unrechtmäßig unser Haus verlassen mussten, haben wir Weihmachten und Neujahr in der Garage beim Nachbar verbringen müssen. In den Kriegsjahren würden wir von unseren Müttern beschützt. Als Seniors, Heilig Abend in einer Garage zu verbringen war die schwerste Zeit in unserem Leben. Vertrieben, verlassen, einsam und nicht beschützt. Unsere Goldene Jahre in Canada.


Whenever we have told people our story, they find it too bizarre to believe. Sometimes I find it hard to believe myself and it’s my story. I am writing this blog to inform the general public of my experience and encounters with the rule of law in Canada. I also would like invite you to share your experiences dealing with your own legal matters. Maybe with some public help we could find some solutions on our own since in my opinion, the legal system looks mostly after its own interest and doesn’t really care about our needs for assistance and help or the law.

I will try to post our story in segments once or twice a week as time allows.          

This blog is going to be a series of segments which are documented public records as court evidence regarding our provincial and federal legal system including the enforcement practices.
Over the past ten years I witnessed and believe that our legal system, especially the enforcement, created a lot of questions about the Rule of Law.

My wife Ingeborg, who will also add her own comments in German, and I, Arnold Guettler immigrated from Germany over 50 years ago. We consider ourselves as self-sustaining Canadian go-getters with a positive attitude. However, the abuse and cover-up we encountered by the government agencies, their employees and professionals is terrifying. 

Over the last 4 years I have corresponded with numerous government and legal authorities and have compiled over 2000 pages of documents which will be the base for this blog.

Firstly, I need address the business related information about me posted on the internet. I was sentenced to 6 months jail on charges from the Ontario Securities Commission for procedural infractions under Ontario regulations. They were civil charges, not criminal. All of this in spite of the fact that my business employed a fulltime in-house lawyer, a patent agent and two chartered professional accountants. All legal and professional fees were paid to the “Experts” including KPMG and Ernst & Young. That is another unbelievable story for another time.

The good thing for me was that as part of their investigation, the OSC conducted a comprehensive audit and officially stated at the trial “there were no unusual transactions”.

In addition, the federal government conducted a full research and development audit (SRED) and calculated that over $2,000,000 was legally spend and eligible for $800,000 in tax credits. The $2,000,000 posted on the internet by the OSC was audited by both the OSC and the Revenue Canada and reported as legally spent for research and development by my companies and myself.

Detailed segments and over 4000 documented pages about this experience with the OSC will be posted at a later time.

Over the past 9 months I have prepared and finished 420 segments, plus compiled the relevant supporting documentation which already is mostly public records. I have also stored the paper documents on separate portable hard drives with instructions to continue this fight. I am already 75 years old and this was done as a secure backup